hurt / injure / wound/ damage / harm 有何不同?

hurt 表示傷害(某人身體、心理上的)用法最廣泛
He got hurt in a car accident.  (他在一場車禍中受了傷)

injure 指意外事故造成肉體的傷害,如車禍、運動或被機器弄傷。
A number of bombs have exploded, injurying  many people in the building.

wound 專指被利器或子彈刺傷所造成的傷害
The soilder was wounded in the battle.

damage 指物品受到破壞,但事後可修補,例如房子、人際關係等。
The scandal  had damaged the movie star’s reputation. 醜聞毀壞了這影星的聲譽
The village was damaged by the hurricane. 小村莊被颶風摧毀。

harm  故意對他人做出傷害或不利影響
All dogs are capable of doing harm to human beings.  只要是狗都可能會咬人



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